Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Calving Season

March is almost here and that means we are one step closer to spring. I do not know about you but I am counting down the days. Farmers with cows know that springtime means calving season! The groundhog did predict an early spring and he was right as we already had our first calf. It was born on February 14th, my birthday. I was super excited to name it Kesley. However, with a little further investigation, we realized the newborn calf was actually a Wesley, not a Kesley. My older brothers who own the cows were gone to Louisville to the National Farm Machinery Show and Tractor Pulls when their calf was born. So, I still think they should gift this stout little steer to me since I was the one actually here to tag, band, and give booster shots on my birthday while they were off having fun celebrating for me!

With calving season near or even underway it’s time to check up on things. It’s always better to be prepared because otherwise when one is calving you are then running around looking for things. First off make sure you know where you put your ear tags or make sure to go out to the store and get some. Also if you have cameras, be sure to check them and you might have to set them back up and clean them off. You don’t want to be looking through a dusty dirty calf cam all season. Make sure to have medicine on hand ready to go. When we had our first calf of the season we didn’t have our calving medicine stocked. I was lucky enough to go on the medicine run on my birthday, which is a fun way to spend it! To avoid your daughters having to do the same, be sure to check your supplies and stock up.

To all the farmers that are in the spring calving season, I wish you the best of luck and that you have a great season. There is nothing cuter than a healthy little Wesley running around the yard greeting me every time I check the cows! 

- Kesley Holdgrafer

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