Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ice Cream!

Nothing beats ending a long hot summer day of hard work with some cold ice cream. July is the heart of summer so it makes perfect sense that July is National Ice Cream Month. In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of July as National Ice Cream Day. This year that day is on July 19th. There is nothing better than a great excuse to eat ice cream. I will be celebrating with ice cream treats all month!

Everyone loves ice cream and in America the average person will eat approximately 23 gallons a year! Everyone also has their all time favorite spot to get their ice cream from as well. Whether it’s a local ice cream shop, a favorite gas station, or even a well known fast food place. What sometimes gets forgotten is the also delicious homemade ice cream and the great family time spent watching and waiting for it to mix.

Every year I feel like there are always hundreds of new unheard of flavors to choose from. Did you know you can buy cilantro and lime ice cream or sour cream? After making the decision of which new flavor to try, then you realize there are also multiple ways to serve your ice cream, in a bowl, as a sundae, in a shake, a malt, multiple toppings, dipped in flavors, the choices go on and on! Even a simple cone can get confusing as you can also choose a sugar cone, a frosted cone, a waffle cone or waffle cone with frosting and sprinkles. So many decisions!

If you couldn’t already tell, ice cream is one of my favorite treats of summer. No matter what kind you choose, enjoy National Ice Cream Month and National Ice Cream Day by splurging on a delicious cool treat at your favorite spot. I know I will! 

~ Kesley Holdgrafer

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