A tractor to a farmer is like their best friend. If you ask a farmer anything about their tractor they can tell you in full detail all about it. They can tell when they got it, where they got it, any and all details about its hours, and if you're lucky they will even give you a funny background story of all of it’s previous owners if it has any. It is crazy how much they can really remember about all these tractors. They probably wouldn’t be able to tell you the year they graduated and maybe even not the year they got married, but they can tell every year in which they purchased a tractor without hesitation. Farmers have different types of tractors as well. They have their favorite, which is usually the workhorse, the one they use everyday, it’s newness has faded and it rarely gets power washed. The next type of tractor the farmer has is what most people would call their fine china. These tractors are stored away most of the time. These can either be a big four wheel drive that only comes out for a certain season or two and would never be put on a manure spreader. This can also be the prized restored tractors that are always shining sitting in the shed, parade ready, to be shown off on a nice summer day.
A farmer would not want to be anywhere else this spring then sitting in a tractor working up the ground or planting. It’s their happy place. I hope everyone is having a great planting season and that the rest of it goes smoothly as well. Our planters have been dancing across the fields with a few new drivers in the tractor seat this year. My big brothers, the college boys, have been home since March. Spring is sprinting by with all the extra help around the farm!
~ Kesley Holdgrafer